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JBC members research the pathogenesis, outcomes, and treatment of inflammatory and non-inflammatory arthritis as well as related rheumatic diseases. Obtaining fresh, carefully phenotyped human samples is the most daunting logistical hurdle facing JBC researchers.

The JBC overcomes this barrier with a systems solution that integrates a novel bioinformatic infrastructure together with an expanded network of personnel to support study design, patient recruitment, data management, and statistical analysis in the Human Biosamples Core. The JBC utilizes an extraordinary range of patient samples, both archived and available through targeted real-time recruitment; core leadership with expertise in cutting-edge bioinformatics and biostatistics; pediatric and adult sources; access to healthy controls as well as patients with comparator diseases; and an established sample processing facility, the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Human Immunology Center.

Mastering new technologies can often be overwhelming, and sometimes requires reaching out to fellow researchers for help. The JBC offers a one stop shop for three technologies for its members in the Cellular Systems Core: RNA sequencing for both murine and human samples (bulk, single-cell, CITE-seq), CyTOF, and HoxB8 cell manipulation for murine samples. The JBC offers these services cost effectively and hassle free, and also provides access to data analytics, study design, data management, and programming resources for a nominal cost.

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