Principal Investigator: Jeffrey A. Sparks, MD, MMSc
Contact: Alessandra Zaccardelli (617-264-5902,
Funding Agency: Autoimmunity Centers of Excellence, NIH-NIAID
Study Summary: We are conducting a 3-year double-blinded placebo controlled randomized trial to determine whether a 12-month course of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), an FDA approved drug, is safe and effective at preventing the development of clinically-apparent rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in people that are at high risk for this disease based on having a positive RA-related antibody, CCP, without prior evidence of RA or inflammatory arthritis.
Subject Criteria:
-18 years or older
-Anti-CCP3 ≥40 units (to be checked at a screening visit)
Visit summary: Randomized participants will first complete 12 months of HCQ or placebo. During this year, participants will be asked to do 6 study visits and 3 phone evaluations. Participants will then be followed for another 2 years off study drug during which they will be asked to do 2 study visits and 2 phone evaluations each year.
Patient Remuneration: $70 per study visit (total up to $770) plus a voucher for parking NCT02603146